Leading the charge

From our Cybersecurity experts

We live in a digital world. Even if it is not operating in the tech space, your business is still at risk.

From data breaches to holding information hostage with ransomware, there are a myriad of ways criminals can impact your business.

So how can you protect your business? Read on.

In this series, we’re sharing insights and tips to help you reduce risk to your organization, manage compliance, and stay safe.

Tip #2: Ensure you have the right leadership in place.

Your security and privacy leaders are critical in establishing your organization’s compliance strategy, developing an accountability framework, and identifying and remediating privacy or security gaps within existing processes.

As a business owner, it’s crucial for you to confirm that these individuals have or will:

  1. Help you understand your legal/regulatory obligations
  2. Identify where your information may be vulnerable to external threats
  3. Work to close such gaps to ensure on-going safety
  4. Put together an incident response team, response protocols, notification mechanisms, and management plans
  5. Be able to execute key, time-sensitive activities during a data breach (activities such as containment and notification).

If your organization doesn’t have such leaders already in place, find a trusted advisor with these capabilities. Advisors can help create strategies and draft plans of what to do in case of emergency.

It’s crucial to have these discussions early on (i.e. right now!) to provide the assurance that your business is protected.


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