Massimo Cecere quoted in La Presse article on Navigating the AI Landscape in Cybersecurity

Who benefits the most from artificial intelligence (AI) in the realm of cybersecurity?


Is AI most beneficial for the hackers or the companies and other organizations seeking to protect themselves from cyberattacks? For now, it seems there are no clear winners. The good news: Quebec universities are showing great interest in the matter and in the work of experts who can help you protect your business.

Experts, including Massimo Cecere partner at Richter, emphasize the importance of training AI, human involvement, and ongoing employee education in cybersecurity strategies, acknowledging the human factor as a potential vulnerability. Various Quebec universities, such as HEC Montreal and the University of Montreal, are actively researching AI’s role in cybersecurity, focusing on the interconnectedness of AI and human elements.

Read more about Massimo’s insight in this La Presse article (content available in French only).

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